Rohrbeck Heger GmbH

Future Atelier February 2022: Disruptive Trends in Digital Healthcare

Our fourth collaborative foresight-driven innovation session, part of the #RHFutureAtelier series, focused on exploring disruptive trends in digital healthcare.

Joining us as guest speaker was Christoph Brabandt, Sr. Digital Innovation Scout at Boehringer Ingelheim.

This session provided a sneak peek into Rohrbeck Heger's collaborative foresight methodology. With interactive activities, this workshop provided an opportunity to gain insight from a diverse range of participants; all-in-all providing new tools and ideas to inform and drive your strategy & innovation activities.

In this workshop, we:

  • Discovered top drivers of change that will disrupt the digital healthcare landscape
  • Prioritized trends with a crowdsourced activity
  • Exchanged insights and discuss the future of the digital healthcare industry
Join us at our Future Atelier: DIgital Healthcare