Rohrbeck Heger GmbH


    Strategic Foresight Insights

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In our insights section you can find news, articles and upcoming events around foresight and innovation. Choose one of the most tagged categories below. If you are also interested in academic work, you can find a wide range of selected academic publications from the previous years in Publications.

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What do corporates feel about innovation in AI?

26.02.2019 Created by Tobias Heger
John Miranda, Market Insights Manager at Intel Corporation focused on the aspect of ethics and trust in AI as companies are adapting to change, “As AI begins to impact our…

Relaunch Foresight Newsletter

22.10.2018 Created by Tobias Heger
In our quarterly newsletter we share insights on Strategic Foresight and the future-orientation of organizations. Our newsletter is built around a set of categories that reappear in every issue.

A new Strategy for old Technologies

12.10.2018 Created by Tobias Heger
A superior new technology emerges on the horizon, threatening your existing business. Do you simply follow conventional wisdom and strive to make a seamless transition to the new technology? All…