Rohrbeck Heger GmbH

What we do

We help our clients use foresight to be future prepared. With our clients, we collaborate on strategy, innovation, and capability development powered by foresight.

Who we are

We are strategic foresight and innovation consultants. We are creative, critical and analytical thinkers with the drive to prepare our clients for the future. Our services aim to help you be prepared for future trends, events and developments in a way that lets you create value and shape your company's future.

How we work

We place great importance on reliability, commitment, open communication, quality and innovativeness. We are determined to deliver the best possible solution to our clients and work as closely as possible with them to do so.

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Find out about our clients and case studies

We work as closely as possible with our clients, to deliver foresight insights and capabilities that match their requirements.

Events, talks and keynotes
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A peek into Innov8rs Lisbon 2023

Exchange ideas with experts and learn from the leadership at Rohrbeck Heger!

Strategic Foresight Insights

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