Rohrbeck Heger GmbH


    Strategic Foresight Insights


Newsletter: What digital leaders should focus on!

What are business trends for 2019?

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In each company you can find many different points of view about the future and various opinions about the firm’s long-term success. The challenge lies in the alignment of opinions and using them to utilize the firm’s full potential. The radar is a tool to identify opportunities and change in market areas, technologies and new product development, to evaluate its potential for the organization and to align activities with strategic priorities. 

The Technology Radar 
This much-quoted paper from Prof. René Rohrbeck analyzes the establishment of a technology intelligence tool of the Deutsche Telekom Laboratories – the Technology Radar. Goals and method are contrasted to approaches discussed in literature. After the presentation of exemplary findings of the Technology Radar, its role within the innovation and technology management is discussed. 

The paper closes with lessons learned, key success factors and recommendations for the introduction of technology intelligence systems. Read the paper on Research Gate.

The Innovation Radar in a Network Environment 
For our ambitious Swedish client Viable Cities – smart sustainable and attractive –  we customized the radar concept to its network setting to become an outstanding tool for network foresight, portfolio management and co-creation. Watch the this linked video for a presentation of the concept by Prof. Magnus Boman (KTH Stockholm) and Dr. Sebastian Knab (Rohrbeck Heger GmbH) in Stockholm.

This content was published in our newsletter.


Business DevelopmentData GatheringForesight ToolsFuture PreparednessInnovation ManagementInnovation RadarManagement ChallengesStrategic PlanningTechnology RadarTechnology Scouting